
4500 April 6, 2008

Filed under: OMGBIRTHDAYLOL,OMGmusicLOL — Adam @ 7:31 pm

4500 tickets in fifty-five minutes (75 USD). Have you ever desired a pony so badly that you would fight for it? I have. I can say all four of us have with great conviction.

I saw this Billboard article about four of Kelly Clarkson’s songs from her upcoming album being leaked. They really are just demo’s from what I understand. I only tried to find one (With A Little Bit of Luck). You can listen to it here: Song

It’s Brian’s birthday today too! HOOSAH

REVIEWS! April 3, 2008

Filed under: Movies — Adam @ 11:16 am

Movie one: I just watched the movie ‘Dark Water’. I believe it is a remake of a similarly titled Japanese film made in 2002. I didn’t like the ending, it was fucked up. It’s basically all the little russian girl’s fault. She really needed to get over herself. “Will you be my mommy??!!.?!? FOREVER?!?!?” Creepy. I’d only watch this once.

Movie two: I saw the Skeleton Key too. What the fuck. The near-ending did make me laugh though. Kate Hudson is spraying all this red brick dust at the doorways to keep this dude away from her. The red brick doesn’t let anyone cross if they mean you harm !!! BUT ONLY IF YOU BELIEVE IN IT!!! What the fuck? So he’s all running around trying to find a way to get to her screaming, “I CANT CROSS!!!” whilst staring at a fucking line of red brick dust. I could hardly watch this once.

Movie three: Diary of the Dead. I love zombie movies. Only when the zombies look cool though. So one million OMG’s. BRAVO. To explain: zombie movies need zombies; all else is filler. I could watch this many times.

Movie four: The Darjeeling Limited. I liked it. I give two OMG’s for neat-o filming, a few LOL’s for giggly moments. I could watch it many times.

Movie Five: Enchanted. YES, I did like it. A funny movie, the lead lady is very good at what she does. Five LOL’s, and seven OMG’s for Disney’s ability to make good movies. I could watch it many times for the random singing alone.

Movie Six: I’m not looking forward to the remake of ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’, a classic sci-fi movie from the 1950’s. They casted the lead alien role as Keanu Reeves. He’s emotionally dead, so I suppose it fits, but still…Jennifer Connelly is ‘Helen’, so that’s cool. I will reserve judgment.

Movie Seven: In the Land of Women. Yeah, I watched this too. A big ‘What the fuck’ for the ending, but it was okay. One OMG, one LOL for a funny scene. I could watch it twice if I stopped before it ended…

Movie Eight: The Mist. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE ENDING?! Suprising and sad. Eight OMG’s for that. One LOL for the fact that it had no humor. By the end I was as devoid of emotion as Keanu Reeves and one very sad boy (MAN). I’d only watch this once.

Movie Nine: Serenity. Excellent sci-fi movie, but to truly enjoy it one must first watch the series ‘Firefly’. After doing so, the movie becomes magical and shocking. Ten OMG’s and eight LOL’s after taking into consideration the series. I could watch this many times.

Monday March 31, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam @ 3:09 am

fuck it’s monday

Art March 23, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL,OMGBUNDAYLOL — Adam @ 2:28 am

Just something I drew.

Ode To The Tummy March 20, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL — Adam @ 5:20 pm

I don’t like driving long distances. My neighbor is using a “voice” to speak with its dog. It sounds like weakness to me and my manly sensibilities. Give me strawberry ice-cream any day, and I will take it over the “voice”. The stray thought crossed my mind: Perhaps Monsieur Jackass is attempting to seduce his dog? Well, I respond with a wink, anything to stop it from barking all the fucking time! *outrageous laughter ensues*…I don’t like driving long distances.




GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS>!?!?! March 16, 2008

Filed under: OMGBUNDAYLOL — Adam @ 11:22 am



 i think this is a game or something….i dont know

Hamster Dance REVEALED!! March 12, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL — Adam @ 1:29 pm

I only JUST RECENTLY discovered that the Hamster Dance song is actually from the Disney Movie ‘Robin Hood’, the one with all the animals (which sets it entirely apart from EVERY OTHER DISNEY MOVIE). I’ve never seen this movie, or if I have I don’t remember, so a review wouldn’t make much sense. The song is ‘Whistle-Stop’ by Roger Miller. I’m sure a lot of people already know this, BUT I DIDN’T. CAPS.


i couldnt find a picture for an ‘i-will-fuck-you-up hamster’


Woe! March 10, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL,OMGADAMFAILLOL — Adam @ 8:34 am

Naturally, I can’t read very well. Despite this, I (somehow) manage to write various things. Because of this, you may assume that I am making the assumption that people can read. Your assumption would be incorrect, but I would consider it a noble, if misguided, effort.

Now consider: to understand a word as it is meant to be understood, you should be able to find the definition of said word (still assuming you can read) and form a more comprehensive idea, i.e. : ‘The post was stupid’ could be translated to: ‘Used to mark a proper noun as something well-known or unique. Text that is placed on a Web site. Past singular first person. Tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense.’

It will occur to you (to me, since you can not read) that some of those sentences were not actually sentences. It may also occur to you that the substitution of empty spaces for periods is required in a reverse ‘translation’. More to the point, each of those definitions can be further reduced to the definitions of each individual word. This break-down could be further ‘broken-down’ and so on, and so on, until one very exasperated writer would be able to say, ‘Why the fuck did I do this?’ and proceed to cross-reference definitions. In this case, I would give each definition a little number and insert these reference numbers instead of the actual sentences. If the writer were to do this, he would be making his ‘break-down’ ever so pointless since, in essence, the reference numbers bear a striking similarity to the original sentence the writer endevoured to dissect.

The main objective is to hypothesize that the written (and spoken) word is, in itself, flawed and incapable of translating human thought as it is supposed to. To communicate, I propose we all dance at once another, gesticulate with our eyebrows, eyes, mouth, nose, flailing of the arms, legs…other places, grunts, and obnoxious screaming. We may also include various instruments and drawings. I believe it would take so long to do anything, that nothing would be done, and we would enter into an age of peace and failures of epic proportions involving everything we now associate with anything.

Traversing a similar vein of thought, if one had no eyes to see, then one would not be able to read with one’s eyes. One would be somewhat sad. That is, until one discovered braille. However, if the same ‘one’ had no sensation in their fingertips (or anywhere else for that matter), and if he/she could not hear, he/she would be in a very poor situation indeed. Throw in muteness, and you will have a fair concept of what I envisage anyone who ‘reads’ this to be.




I search… March 7, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL — Adam @ 4:51 pm

Dear diary, I have just begun my search for pants — pinstriped pants. I have located a pair of pant-legs that suit my needs, howEVER the cost is ATROCIOUS. Chad and Jody assure me (assure, I say!) that this is NORMAL. To find this STRANGE fact out has indeed shocked my good PURE senses and I am dreadfully afraid of what the world now has to offer my naive and SIMPLE soul. Dear Diary, what do you suggest I do? Please reply with the UTMOST speed.


Your Love,



gossip girl 

Chad, Romance, and Bunday March 2, 2008

Filed under: Movies,OMGBIRTHDAYLOL,OMGBUNDAYLOL — Adam @ 4:15 pm

Chadrick is 21? what? For the longest time I was nearly certain My Dear Chad was perpetually 16. This news, albeit fantastical, IS A FUCKING SHOCK. Two OMG’s and one Special LOL Birthday

Don’t install the Unix, ’tis a fate worse than Death. James and I successfully vanquished one desktop computer and were on our way to conquering a laptop before we abandoned the project and installed PCLinuxOS. More will be done.

I saw Death at a Funeral. It made me chortle at several points — two LOL’s for that. Some events in the movie are OUTRAGEOUS, so three OMG’s for that. So if I were you and you weren’t me, I would watch the movie. Aside from inside-car scenes that some characters have on the way to the funeral, the entire movie takes place in one house. Despite how that may sound the movie was still entertaining. I’ll throw in one more LOL and an OMG.


AND IT’S BUNDAY!!I!*!*!*!*!*!


yeah…this is a rabbit…wtf's a

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