
fishsticks! February 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam @ 5:33 pm

Jody said he’d write a review for Strange Wilderness, so I’ll leave him to that…JODY.

I was curious about what went into a fishstick so I googled exactly that. I found an interesting page with some dude complaining about how Gordon’s fishsticks are not plastic wrapped. It reads like so:

Hi Y’all-

So tonight for dinner I had some fish sticks with ketchup. They were Gorton’s fish sticks and the weird thing about them (besides the taste) is that when you open the box they’re like floating around in the cardboard not wrapped in anything. I think fish sticks are the only things in the whole frozen dinner section that doesn’t need to be inside some kind of plastic in the box. Since when can things just float around like that? What makes the fish sticks so indestructible that they’re not in plastic? And even if they don’t need to be- can’t the Gorton’s people humor us by pretending they do?

Anyway I don’t have enough furniture for my apartment so the room with the TV doesn’t have a coffee table in it. So I’ve been using this cardboard box since I’ve moved in. I write on the box sometimes when I think I picked up a daily fact learned from the tv. I think regular furniture is overrated. I can write on my coffee table. I can spill on it and not care. I never have to clean it. I can keep stuff inside it. People can put their feet up on it and not feel guilty at all.

I like cardboard in general but I don’t think it should be able to hold fish sticks inside without some kind of plastic wrap. I wrote to the Gorton’s people for an explanation as to why they feel they can package their fish sticks this way. I’ll post the response here when/if I get one.

ok bye


My favorite part is when he describes his furniture. I give him two LOL’s. One OMG for get some fuckin furniture.

Pre-Caturday Movie February 8, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam @ 12:40 pm

I’m going to see Cloverfield. I will. And then I’m going to see that movie about the king. Forgot its name. The reviews will follow. I can’t decide if I like Harry Potter or not.

This OMGCATURDAYLOL is going to be fuckin sweet.

OMGOMGOMGOMG February 2, 2008

Filed under: OMGCATURDAYLOL — Adam @ 7:50 am





Golden Compass? January 30, 2008

Filed under: Movies — Adam @ 12:13 pm

I missed last caturday, unfortunately. There’s always next time (until 2012, I understand).

On to the movie!

I saw this with Jody at the Rim. It’s an unfortunate name for a place, but that wasn’t my decision. I would’ve named it something…different.

Now I’ve read the books in this series, titled ‘His Dark Materials’ — the Golden Compass, the Subtle Knife, and the Amber Spyglass. Now I thought Mr. Pullman was writing a ‘young adult’ novel here — It was labeled so, anyways. The first novel is innocent enough, but you start to get the gist of what he’s actually up to in the second book. Say what you want about him and his writing, but the man aims high, sending children to kill God and whatnot.

But the movie…I thought the book was put together as more of a vehicle for the author’s ideas in the first place, as opposed to a masterpiece of the english language. I had heard the Golden Compass (movie) was good, but it seemed to go by so FUCKING fast. I thought my attention span was shot to shit already, but jesus! That’s all I really care to say. It sticks to the book mostly, and adapts it as well as any movie I’ve seen can — except at the end. It seems they left that part out for the inevitable sequel. I’m also a little tired of Gandalf being in every movie (he’s the polar bear). meow.

 I’ll give it two OMG’s for the asthetically pleasing cast, three OMG’s for them actually making this rediculous movie. I can’t wait for reactions when they start unveiling the purpose of the movie. One LOL for that situation. I’m sure much rofling will ensue. An additional OMG for entertaining me for a while.

The Tortoise December 15, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam @ 2:44 am

Evidently, it was too much for the poor Toroise to handle.
“I’m soOooO sad!” he cried.
“Why, whatever for?” asked the Turtle-dove.
“I want wings like you’ve got!” he exclaimed, furious and sad all at once.
The Turtle-dove examined his wings and nodded.
“They are quite wonderful now that you mention it,” he said.
“Why can’t I have wings too!” cried the Tortoise, thinking the whole thing was terribly unfair. “Why, were both turtles of a sort aren’t we? Or is a Tortoise so much different than all that?”
“Silly tortoise!” said the Turtle-dove laughing. “Why, I’m not even a turtle to begin with!”

the scene ends with much loling and rofl’s.

I’m going to review the Golden Compass soon. Or the “Polar Express” as I would have the box office ticket vendor believe.

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