
OMG theleague LOL April 24, 2008

Filed under: Funzees — Chad @ 8:16 am

The MLB the Show League Draft Results 08

Chad Adam Jody James
P J Santana OF C Beltran 1B A Pujols 1B R Howard
SS J Rollins 3B A Rodriguez 1B D Lee OF V Guerrero
3B D Wright OF M Ramirez 3B M Cabrera SS D Jeter
OF M Holliday OF K Griffey OF Ichiro OF M Ordonez
2B C Utley 1B L Berkman OF C Lee OF R Braun
P J Peavy 2B J Kent SS R Furcal 2B P Polanco
1B D Ortiz C JR Towles C J Posada C I Rodriguez
C J Mauer P Joe Nathan P Ben Sheets P B Webb
P D Haren P J Smoltz 2B D Uggla 3B C Jones
OF A Soriano P D Matsuzaka P J Beckett P J Broxton
P B Wagner P H Okajima P J Papelbon P M Rivera
SS J Reyes P B Jenks P P Neshek P D Willis
P CC Sabathia P S Kazmir P C Zambrano P B Penny
P R Oswalt P J Chamberlan P C Schilling P R Betancourt
OF H Pence P A Pettit OF B Abreu CF T Hunter
OF W Taveras SS M Tejada 1B P Fielder 1B F Thomas
2B B Phillips CF G Sizemore P B Fuentes P T Gordon
P B Lidge P F Cordero P C Carpenter P J Verlander
P J Valverde P C Buchholz P C Marmol P J Lackey
P T Lincecum OF A Rios OF M Bourn 2B K Matsui
C R Martin C B McCann C J Varitek C B Molina
3B A Ramirez 2B D Pedroia SS J Lugo 3B M Lowell
P J Isringhausen 1B C Pena 2B L Castillo P F Hernandez
P BJ Ryan OF G Sheffield P R Harden P J Zumaya
P E Bedard P JJ Putz P F Rodriguez SS E Renteria

Chad fails at table creation
Chad didn’t try to create a table.

OMGpodcastsLOL April 12, 2008

Filed under: OMGreviewsLOL — Chad @ 8:52 pm

Reviews of the 4 podcasts that I watch:

Tekzilla: Show about product reviews, computer help and tech tips. Hosted by Patrick Norton and new co-host Veronica Belmont. Tekzilla does have good tips for the everyday consumer. Tekzilla is aired weekly on Friday, and Tekzilla Daily, short videos of tech tips, almost everyday. I would recommend this show to anyone and Veronica Belmont is hot.

DL.TV: Hosted by Robert Heron and random guest host. Basically that same as Tekzilla but sinceĀ  Patrick Norton left DL.TV the show has been a little bland, but the episodes are still informational. DL.TV is second to Tekzilla in my opinion. (Lloyd Case is boring)


The Guild: The Guild is a sitcom about a onlineRPG local “clan,” and how their lives basically revolve around playing the game. The main character, Felicia Day “Codex” is a hottie. The show is pretty funny even if you only know a little bit about online RPG’s. 3OMGs and 4LOLs out of 5OMGs and LOLs

Break a Leg:Break a Leg is anonther sitcom about the creation of a sitcom, “Groommates.” The main character of the show is the writer of the sitcom, and is the leader of the group. The group is struggling to create the show because their producer doesn’t have any money to pay for the show, and the cast has to start fundraising for the show to pay for it. There is one chick in the show that it is hot, Amber Turnipseed (Alexis Boozer). The show is prety funny considering the situational awkwardness. 2OMGs and 2LOLs and 5OMGs and LOLs

OMGponeysLOL April 6, 2008

Filed under: Funzees,OMGMOVIESLOL,OMGPONEYSLOL — Chad @ 2:16 am

What we did with $75

OMG opening day 2008 LOL March 31, 2008

Filed under: OMGADAMFAILLOL — Chad @ 9:55 pm

Its monday MLB Opening Day 2008. Cubs lost to the Brewers bwahaha.

Go Stros!

(adam is alive)

We need a PS3 for MLB the show 2008 if you wish to donate ;-D

OMG UniX LOL March 29, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL,OMGuNIxLOL — Chad @ 10:10 pm

OMG the Unix has infiltrated my living room once. this time in a different units. its somewhat like the trojan horse. it came in looking like a regular ol’ PCs but then it was like OMG im the UNIX LOL and starting scattering monitors cables keyboards mices all over the living OMG LOL… “ITS THE FUCkING UNIX” “SHIT SHIT” “FIRE THE MISSAISLES”

Me and My MacBook March 28, 2008

Filed under: OMGmacbookLOL — Chad @ 5:09 pm

So this week in class i had to make movies credits music… so voila!

Click to See

St. CATrick’s DAY! March 17, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL,OMGCATURDAYLOL — Chad @ 11:30 am

Happy St. Catrick’s Day


burthdayz weekendz is over March 4, 2008

Filed under: OMG WTF LOL,OMGBIRTHDAYLOL — Chad @ 3:44 pm

burthdays is over. fuckin unix dirtyed up my fucking living room has taken the life of the computers of my roomzee adam. OMG FUCK the UNIX. since burthdays is over. its back to normal life SHIT SHIT theres a test on thursday in this stupid class. WHAT THE FUCK music industries what the hell is that shit. OMG WTF LOL. whats been learned over burthdayz, dont install the uNIX, if you ask if we should have a last round its probably a bad idea, dont go to IHOPs after the bad idea because its another bad idea, how to chaccaron (WTF CHACCARON LOL), THe chick at the FOXs and HOuNDs is HOT! Whatsup GIRL! JOdy is a fucking little CUNT. OMG WTF LOL, 2lessons up to this point int he semester is retarded its like week the end dont install the unix, chaccaron, bad ideas are bad, hot chicks work at fox and hound. even the one with like litterally no ass. WTF BEERPONGS WITH WATER!?!?!

MAC OS X is UNIX not LINUX fucking idiots at retail stores ie. Best Buy are dumbasses (hoorays i got a MACBOOKS its purty and black)


SHIT SHIT i didnt watch a movies o wells. i leave tha jody and adam on their little dates

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